Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Think I Can, I Think I Can

I am starting to seriously slack off in the yoga department. I'm thinking, since I can't make it tonight or actually, don't want to (will explain) then I may attempt to do it tonight here in the apartment. The reason I don't want to make it to class is because it is at 8:30pm. Tomorrow morning, I want to attend a 9am class since I have to work at 5pm. I need to start packing in my yoga every day. My excuse today was needing to pay my income tax/GST after going to my accountant first. However, I did spend most of the afternoon farting around town. While that was pleasant, I really should have gotten home in time to turn around for a 4:30pm class. Oh well. I won't beat myself up. I've started loading myself up with water and a little Goji Bliss for energy. Then I plan on mopping the floors, doing some yoga and hopefully getting to bed early. I will make the 9am class. I will.

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