Friday, May 1, 2009

I Did!

I was there at 9am. It was difficult, fer sure, but I made it and I felt great, as I knew I would. I took it pretty easy on myself since it was so early and I didn't have much energy. My muscles were a tad weak too. I am hoping maybe to get a regimen of the three 9am classes and the two 12pm Bikram classes going. I know I always feel better and accomplish more afterwards once I have started my day with yoga. It's not that hard to not have my coffee. It's an amazing reward afterwards too. Tomorrow I am going to the 11am class and on Sunday as well. If I set out all of my gear the night before, sleep until about 20 minutes before having to leave, drink a 16oz. glass of water, then I feel good to go. I could maybe afford to have a candy or something to give me a fast carb boost. But if I do it that way, then I don't feel the desire to drink my coffee before I head to class. It'll basically leave me no time to make or drink it. I'll try that out and see what happens.

I had done the dosha questionnaire associated with my Ayurvedic facial that I'm getting next week ( It is simply a set of questions designed to figure out your Ayurvedic personality type. I am most definitely a Vata. And the test results indicated that my best time of day to exercise is early in the morning (6-10am) and the worst is between 2-6pm (when I usually practice yoga). It also said my day should end around 10pm. I agree with all of that. I just love to sleep so much and drink coffee, so much, that I generally don't start and end my day early. Time to change all that, especially when I start shooting my series. I will have very early days. I'm just wondering when I'll be able to fit in my practice when I have such long and early days. I'll probably have to downsize and simply do what I can and when I can. I'm pretty sure the biggest lesson I can teach myself is to stop beating myself up so much. Combined with that, though, I must DO. By "do", I mean, I can't not beat myself up AND sit on my arse at the same time. I must try to do my best. If I don't accomplish that task, then I can't beat myself up.

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