Thursday, March 26, 2009

Morning Vs. Night

I went to class yesterday and today. I went last night at 7:30pm. I was nice and flexible and pretty strong. I went today at noon, without any food or coffee in me and I was fairly stiff and a little weak. My arms were not cool with an "early morning" workout. In Bikram you have to maintain straight, strong arms in most of the standing poses. Those triceps were not in the mood, lemme tell ya. It didn't take long to get warmed up though. And I am much more calm after having just woken up and no caffeine coursing through my veins. If I go later in the day, my pranayama is tense and agitating and my breathing through my practice is much more laboured. However, I don't push myself as hard in the morning as I do at night. At night I have a really strong, intense practice. Whereas, my morning practice is all about waking up my muscles and joints so I'm less inclined for a "workout". It's definitely more spiritual in the morning and more of a workout in the aft/evening.

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