Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Slowing Down

It's been a while once again. I'm not adjusting to this "other yoga" regimen. For some very odd reason, I can't bring myself to do the other forms of yoga. Instead, I don't do any. I'm a little miffed. My schedule throws me off and then I can't seem to adjust very well. But perhaps, I'm being too hard on myself. I have taken the time to journal and be with myself this time around, which is progress actually. Slowing down and not beating myself up for it is a miracle in and of itself. Eric can be a bit of a whirlwind/Tazmanian devil and I have to acknowledge that that's his own weakness and I don't need to feel bad about slowing down every once in a while. I am always excited to go back to my yoga though. I'm eternally grateful that I signed up for the year. I know I belong to a studio and must go back. Love it!

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