Friday, June 5, 2009

One Whole Year!

I did it! I signed up for a whole year of yoga! This is the first time I've ever done this. It's a little crazy but I am so excited. It means I don't have to think about when my membership is up or when my class card runs out. I just show up and they know me. I'm going today at 4pm. I'm excited to be surrounded by the true Bikram experience. Perhaps I won't like it after a year but I have a funny feeling I will enjoy it thoroughly. I'm curious to know if it will be difficult to go there if my show gets big and therefore makes me more recognizable. I'll just have to cross that bridge when I get to it. No big deal. I'm sure people will be respectful. It will make me more conscious of being kind to others. I will have a reputation to maintain. It's good to have an impetus for kindness because sometimes it can be hard to keep up either because of a bad mood or laziness. We all know how it is.

I'm still feeling sore from class, not yesterday but from the day before. Yesterday I had to run all over the city trying to get ready for a "casual" party at CTV. It ended up being a lot of fun, more fun than I thought it would be. Everybody was in a good mood and just riding on the good vibes. My cast and writers were celebrating the show getting picked up. We didn't have to stress too much about interviews, etc. Or maybe they did, but I missed them since I came about an hour later than the start time.

It will be an interesting and hopefully great experience trying to balance my work schedule with yoga. I'm thrilled for the challenge. I want to become a morning person too and I know yoga will help that process. I will have to re-evaluate my love of coffee though. I think what I need to do is turn it into a treat rather than a means to waking up. Creature comforts never help when you're trying to roll with whatever challenges pop up because usually if there's a challenge, then that means there's no creature comforts at arm's length and therefore makes said challenge very uncomfortable. That's my advice of the day.

And now, off to yoga!

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