Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vitamin Deficiency?

To conclude, I decided to rest one more day. It feels dangerous since, like I said, I'm prone to dropping activities if I neglect them for a couple days or more. So, I'm very cautious and a little anxious to say the least. I just have to believe that I WILL make it to tomorrow evening's class. I will have had 2 callbacks throughout the day and I probably will be tired, but I will try to stay hydrated and loose. I WILL make it back. I have a blog to keep up with afterall :)

I'm debating doing even the Yin poses. I'm feeling a little lazy. Lately, I've been noticing that my thumb nails are really brittle and are peeling. My right thumb also has a pretty big dip in it. I was looking on line and the general idea is that I have maybe some iron and calcium deficiency and/or malnutrition. I'm not the best eater in the world. I eat pretty consistently and would say I choose really healthy foods. But, I've developed this dip in my nail since having started doing yoga on a regular basis. I wonder what the lack of nutrition is? I think I'll post this question on the Hot Yoga Forum.

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