Sunday, September 27, 2009

Internal Yoga

I haven't been to yoga class in over 3 weeks. It's hurting my soul fer sure. I have begun shooting my series and I seem to break out in the initial stages of returning to hot yoga. So for the next 7-8 weeks I will be refraining from class. However, I need to do stretches and/or exercise of some kind. My body is starting to tense up and be tighter than a drum. Thankfully I get acupuncture every week or two. Along with that comes energy clearing, crystal healing, chakra clearing, etc. That helps.

I find I'm still on my path, my journey still. I don't feel so bad as I have in the past from all this sitting around. I suppose it's because I have steady income and a fun job so I am satisfied in many ways that I normally wasn't in the past. Yoga is still with me but in a different way at the moment.

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